Smart Center by Paul Kaloustian Architect

Smart Center
Smart Center
Image © Paul Kaloustian Architect

The under-construction Smart Center building is located in the north Armenian province of Lori, the site is a magnificent piece of land surrounded by majestic mountains.

Smart Center
Image © Paul Kaloustian Architect

The structure’s organic form embraces the landscape by creating a sinuous ribbon like walkway creating a 7000 m2 courtyard. The one floor building is spread horizontally while following the topography of the site.

Smart Center
Image © Paul Kaloustian Architect

The Smart Center accommodates a program dedicated to education and community with computer labs, classes, an auditorium and a restaurant while other adjacent functions include sports fields, open air workshops and an outdoor auditorium.

Smart Center
Image © Paul Kaloustian Architect

A separate small structure includes a day care and a nursery and another houses a half underground guest house facing the southern sun with 14 rooms and amenities .

Smart Center
Image © Paul Kaloustian Architect

The Smart Center acts more like a landscape than a building giving freedom for the visitor to have his own path creating experiences indoor as well as outdoor. Only a part of the building is enclosed by a glass and concrete envelope generating relationships between the inside and the outside that are treated equally.

Smart Center
Image © Paul Kaloustian Architect

The structure extends with a continual roof aiming to provide an open environment for knowledge and personal exploration. Source by Paul Kaloustian Architect.

Smart Center
Image © Paul Kaloustian Architect

Location: Lori Province, Armenia
Architect: Paul Kaloustian Architect
Project Team: Nathalie Fatte – Viken Khatcherian – Lara Assaker
Local Architect: Urban Unit
Structure: Tigran Khachiyan
Electro-Mechanical: Mangassarian
Contractor: Kanaka
Client: COAF
Built-up Area: 4200m2 + 755 m2 (hotel)
Date of completion: 2016
Images: Courtesy of Paul Kaloustian Architect

Smart Center
Site Plan
Smart Center

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