The Nemrut Volcano Eyes architecture competition

Nemrut Volcano Eyes
Nemrut Volcano Eyes
Image © Bee Breeders

The Nemrut Volcano Eyes architecture competition is tasking participants with tackling the problem of constructing a functional and aesthetically-pleasing lookout point along the southern edge of a collapsed volcano crater.

Nemrut Volcano Eyes
Image © Bee Breeders

The task of creating an observation point, positioned at an altitude of approximately 2,800 metres, is no small feat. The observation point will provide visitors with outstanding views overlooking Lake Van and its surroundings.

Nemrut Volcano Eyes
Image © Bee Breeders

Those projects that present design options as well as practical solutions for construction in such an extreme environment, will sit more favourably in the jury’s eyes. The Nemrut Volcano Eyes architecture competition is now open until April 6, 2018. Source and images Courtesy of Bee Breeders.

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