House R+ by OOIIO Architecture

House R+
House R+
Photo © Eugenio H. Vegue y Francisco Sepúlveda

This is a Single Family housing project designed as a work of spaces crystallization. The site is on a narrow and quiet street on the center of Mora, a village in La Mancha, in central Spain. This location, a bit hide for the city inhabitants, will determine the project concept.

House R+
Photo © Eugenio H. Vegue y Francisco Sepúlveda

The house plays with this “discrete urban situation”, surrounded by other quite simple buildings, becoming a little find, something different that the pedestrian will discover by chance, on the same way that a geologist finds this precious mineral that he has been looking for a long time and suddenly shows up on the most unexpected place.

House R+
Photo © Eugenio H. Vegue y Francisco Sepúlveda

The different spaces have a tectonic configuration, sticking each other, like rock crystallization, coming from a great central space where the whole home revolves around.

House R+
Photo © Eugenio H. Vegue y Francisco Sepúlveda

This space is like a double high covered yard, connected to the other “crystals” making the house. It has also several points where the natural light can get inside, with a wooden stair as the main spatial objet embracing everything.

House R+
Photo © Eugenio H. Vegue y Francisco Sepúlveda

The exterior façade materials (a combination of travertine and sandstone) provides to the building a stony look, following its mineral concept, and getting a quiet and elegant colors and textures combination, appropriate to not blend with the environment.

House R+
Photo © Eugenio H. Vegue y Francisco Sepúlveda

On the back house façade we will find an open air yard, also finished with stone, with a pond that will contribute to generate this quietness perception, exactly where the main bedrooms, the living room and the kitchen will be open.

House R+
Photo © Eugenio H. Vegue y Francisco Sepúlveda

The advanced building energy systems will make this house quite energy efficient and green. House R+ is a little find on a narrow street of La Mancha region, a home defined from the crystallization of its spaces. Source by OOIIO Architecture.

House R+
Photo © Eugenio H. Vegue y Francisco Sepúlveda
  • Location: Mora, Spain
  • Architects: OOIIO Architecture
  • Project Team: Joaquin Millan Villamuelas, Sergio González Gómez, Jesús Reyes García, Sergio Velandrino Poveda, Magdalena Polvorinos Caeiro
  • Structures: Consultora CPE, Juan Vallejo
  • Facilities: M7AI Arquitectura e Instalaciones, Mariano Traver
  • Civil Engineer: José Tomás Fernández Dorado
  • Construction Safely Manager: José Tomás Fernández Dorado
  • Builder: Cosmos Servicios Inmobiliarios s.l.
  • Client: Private
  • Area: 241,6 m2
  • Photographs: Eugenio H. Vegue y Francisco Sepúlveda, Courtesy of OOIIO Architecture
House R+
Photo © Eugenio H. Vegue y Francisco Sepúlveda
House R+
Photo © Eugenio H. Vegue y Francisco Sepúlveda
House R+
Photo © Eugenio H. Vegue y Francisco Sepúlveda
House R+
Photo © Eugenio H. Vegue y Francisco Sepúlveda
House R+
Photo © Eugenio H. Vegue y Francisco Sepúlveda
House R+
Photo © Eugenio H. Vegue y Francisco Sepúlveda
House R+
House R+
House R+

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