In cammino (In the way) by Domenico Raimondi

In cammino (In the way)
In cammino (In the way)
Photo Courtesy of Domenico Raimondi

“In cammino” (In the way) the installation created by designer Domenico Raimondi – thesignLab, art director of “Andare oltre si può” association promoting the value, acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome, is 20m long, wide and high 5 5 is a large cloud of 8.000 tapes (5 cm wide for a total of 28 km of tape) white and silver, falling from above.

In cammino (In the way)
Photo Courtesy of Domenico Raimondi

The idea encourages playful and collective use of public space as a historic Piazza San Francesco, in recent years subject to a major redevelopment.

In cammino (In the way)
Photo Courtesy of Domenico Raimondi

Colored LED lights on the outer perimeter, and lights with white LEDs inside indicate the boundaries and internal routes: the ribbons hanging at 10 cm from each other produce well-defined area outside and an interior labyrinth, a jungle urban, where you can lose or find yourself.

In cammino (In the way)
Photo Courtesy of Domenico Raimondi

The dense jungle is suspended, anchored at the top to five meters high, so that it is in constant motion thanks to the passage of the visitors or at the slightest breeze giving the idea of instability to the entire installation.

In cammino (In the way)
Photo Courtesy of Domenico Raimondi

Visitors embarking on this particular journey living sensual and mysterious experience. Walking through the visitors will encounter images of the children and teenagers of the ‘Association Down Lucca Onlus and the association Love does not count chromosomes with their projects and dreams.

In cammino (In the way)
Photo Courtesy of Domenico Raimondi

A path, a path, a place of encounter and discovery. The installation encourages interaction, viewers are invited to come in, intrigued, and be part of the installation itself.

In cammino (In the way)
Photo Courtesy of Domenico Raimondi

From December 17 to January 08, 60 works of art dedicated to light will be on display at the Palazzo Ducale in Lucca and January 07 will be auctioned to raise funds for charity projects. Source by Domenico Raimondi.

In cammino (In the way)
Photo Courtesy of Domenico Raimondi
  • Location: Piazza San Francesco, Lucca, Italy
  • Architect: Domenico Raimondi
  • Client:Andare oltre si può” (Going beyond it’s possibile)
  • Manufactures: Amandla Production, Allestend, Huevo Print, L’Impresa, Cinelli Edilizia, Essemme Impianti Elettrici, Bocci Carta
  • Area: Total surface (m2): 100 m2 – parallelepiped 5mx20m high 5m
  • Year: 2016 – 08 january 2017
  • Photographs: Courtesy of Domenico Raimondi
In cammino (In the way)
Photo Courtesy of Domenico Raimondi
In cammino (In the way)
Photo Courtesy of Domenico Raimondi
In cammino (In the way)
Photo Courtesy of Domenico Raimondi
In cammino (In the way)
Photo Courtesy of Domenico Raimondi
In cammino (In the way)
Photo Courtesy of Domenico Raimondi
In cammino (In the way)
Photo Courtesy of Domenico Raimondi
In cammino (In the way)
Photo Courtesy of Domenico Raimondi

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