Design Strategy & Research Center by THE_SYSTEM LAB

Design Strategy & Research Center
Design Strategy & Research Center
Photo © Yongkwan Kim

The characteristics of space where people like Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, The Beatles, and Steve Jobs who delivered innovative thinking and message mostly stayed was freedom and expandability.

Design Strategy & Research Center
Photo © Yongkwan Kim

In their youth, unusual but magnificent and cozy places like barn, storage, factory, and garage were the source of inspiration for their creative thinking.

Design Strategy & Research Center
Photo © Yongkwan Kim

This BARN was an excellent functional and emotional space typology where amplifies ventilation, three dimensional expandability, and emotional inspiration through depth in space.

Design Strategy & Research Center
Photo © Yongkwan Kim

Design seeks for esthetics which practicality and sensibility are well balanced.

Design Strategy & Research Center
Photo © Yongkwan Kim

We suggest newly interpreted DESIGN BARN as a typology of lab where handles designs that are endlessly creative and challenging for innovative thinking.

Design Strategy & Research Center
Photo © Yongkwan Kim

We expect a birth and reaction of innovative thoughts for our next generation through people who work, research, and visit this lab. Source by THE_SYSTEM LAB.

Design Strategy & Research Center
Photo © Yongkwan Kim
  • Location: 16, Busandaehak-ro, Mulgeum-eup, Yangsan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea
  • Architect: THE_SYSTEM LAB
  • Project Team: Sanghyun Park, Choonglyeol Lee, Younghwan Kim, Jinman Choi, Jongkil Kim, Jinchul Choi
  • Structure: THE KUJO Co., Ltd
  • Machine electricity: HANA Consulting Engineers Co., Ltd
  • Lighting: EONSLD
  • Constructor: TAESONG Construction Co., Ltd
  • Site Area: 182,506 smq
  • Building area: 3,576.87 smq
  • Gross floor Area: 6,311.13 smq
  • Year: 2016
  • Photographs: Yongkwan Kim, Courtesy of THE_SYSTEM LAB
Design Strategy & Research Center
Photo © Yongkwan Kim
Design Strategy & Research Center
Photo © Yongkwan Kim
Design Strategy & Research Center
Photo © Yongkwan Kim
Design Strategy & Research Center
Photo © Yongkwan Kim
Design Strategy & Research Center
Photo © Yongkwan Kim
Design Strategy & Research Center
Photo © Yongkwan Kim
Design Strategy & Research Center
Photo © Yongkwan Kim
Design Strategy & Research Center
Photo © Yongkwan Kim
Design Strategy & Research Center
Photo © Yongkwan Kim
Design Strategy & Research Center
Photo © Yongkwan Kim
Design Strategy & Research Center
Design Strategy & Research Center
Sustainabilitu Scheme
Design Strategy & Research Center

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