The Tiny House design competition

The Tiny House
The Tiny House
Image Courtesy of Volume Zero

The competition aims to celebrate individuality, redefine sustainability and exalt simple, resourceful living. Home is a domain that is intimate to all of us. Beyond its everyday function as a physical shelter for people and their activities, it connects with its user on a personal and emotional level.

The Tiny House
Image Courtesy of Volume Zero

The modern day scenario of environmental and financial concerns along with the desire to have more freedom has led people to follow simpler and efficient ways of living. With the rapid growth of technology and smart living there lies an opportunity for efficient spaces with the feeling of homeliness and personal touch points.

The Tiny House
Image Courtesy of Volume Zero

The Tiny House Movement celebrates this concept of simple yet resourceful living. The homes can be designed as an innovation of maximum usable space in minimum footprint, thus redefining sustainability. Source and images, Courtesy of Volume Zero.

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