
Image © Archistart

Archistart promotes IAHsummer18, an international architecture and design festival at its fifth edition. Young architects and designers will live an experience of a network, interaction with the territory, and fun. IAHsummer2018 will take place in San Cataldo – Lecce – at the Ostello del Sole and will be the place where social innovation, regeneration, architecture and design meet.

Image © Archistart
  • IAHsummer2018 edition is divided into 3 workshops:
  • Architectural design
  • Self-construction
  • Communication
Image © Archistart

The architectural design workshop participants will study the design topics identified by Lecce’s coastal areas regeneration program. The architectural design workshop consists of an initial concept phase, followed by a phase of detailed design and production of technical drawings. The self-construction workshop will be focused on the construction of installations for the regeneration of San Cataldo’s waterfront, in Lecce.

Image © Archistart

The installations will be built in the area in front of Ostello del Sole to experiment an alternative use of the promenade. The self-construction workshop starts from a preliminary project that is detailed and built by the participants. The communication workshop participants will work side by side with the other two workshops in order to create a graphic and visual identity of the projects. On the last day the results of all the workshops will be exposed in a public event. Source by Archistart.

Image © Archistart
  • Location: San Cataldo, Lecce, Italy
  • Date: 1st- 8th August 2018
  • Images: Courtesy of Archistart

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