Orisha Olokun by Abiola Akandé YAYI

Orisha Olokun

Designed as a sort of manifesto for sustainable development, our project is first of all a reflection to stimulate reflection.

Orisha Olokun
Image © Abiola Akandé YAYI

Indeed, in the African cosmogony, everything is energy and who speaks of energy speaks of positive and negative poles, but for our ancestors, in the spiral of life, the positive pole which represents the order or the reorganization is always a strand above the negative pole which represents the disorder.

Orisha Olokun
Image © Abiola Akandé YAYI

If we all observe today the increasing eco systemic disorder on the planet, few of us see its origin. All human action is born in thought, thus, to provide punctual solutions to the degradation of the environment and to the problems that it generates.

Orisha Olokun
Image © Abiola Akandé YAYI

Like the rise of the ocean level for example, actually solve certain states of fact, but it is also necessary to tackle the problem at the root in order to effectively reverse the situation. Reorganization presupposes a new way of being and this essentially involves awareness and education.

Orisha Olokun
Image © Abiola Akandé YAYI

Orisha Olokun, a path to the ocean, is a punctual project, intended to multiply the vision of integration and respect of ecosystems and cultures as advocated by African spiritual traditions, so that all the actions carried out.

Orisha Olokun

This project impacts the users, in the short, medium and long term, reminding each other of the need to review our fraternal relationship between humans and our natural habitat.

Orisha Olokun

To do this, we have opted for an architectural design, fusing tradition and modernity, culture and nature, contemporary and vernacular technology.

Orisha Olokun

Embodying a reviving cultural program that encourages the discovery of marine ecosystems and the reflection on the negative impacts that our current way of life imposes on these interconnected living worlds. Source and images Courtesy of Abiola Akandé YAYI.

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