C.F. Møller Architects opens an office in Berlin

office in Berlin

On 1 July, C.F. Møller Architects will open the doors to a new office in central Berlin. This is a consequence of an increasing influx of assignments following recent years’ focused efforts directed at the German market. In recent years, C.F. Møller Architects has focused on expanding its international portfolio of assignments outside the domestic markets. This has resulted in new projects in Ireland, Iceland, Belgium and, in particular, Germany, where a number of major projects are underway. C.F. Møller Architects now has offices in Berlin, Aarhus, Aalborg, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Oslo and London and has around 300 employees.

Earlier this year, C.F. Møller Architects appointed architect Heiko Weissbach to head the office in Berlin. Heiko was born in Germany and grew up in Berlin, but also speaks Danish after qualifying as an interior architect in Copenhagen and as an architect in Aarhus. Since his studies, Heiko has gained professional experience in Denmark, France and Germany, with employment by Sauerbruch Hutton, Germany’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and more. For many years he has also served as an architecture disseminator and author, and in 2017, he published ‘Architecture Guide Aarhus’.

C.F. Møller Architects’ current ongoing assignments in Germany include the new railway station in Hamburg Altona, which will provide necessary infrastructure and also play an active role in the urban development of Altona Nord. Within healthcare, projects include an expansion of the iconic and listed RWTH University Hospital in Aachen and the expansion of Städtisches Klinikum Braunschweig (Braunschweig Municipal Hospital). In addition, C.F. Møller Architects has been selected for an ambitious campus masterplan of Heidelberg University and University Hospital in Heidelberg, one of the most prestigious universities in Germany and also in global terms. Source and images Courtesy of C.F. Møller.

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