RONDO by Oskar Zięta


During the pandemic, when all art galleries are closed and the streets are almost deserted, Oskar Zięta presented the potential of mirror reflections in the space of Cracow’s Old Town. The RONDO mirror floating above the city flashed for one night in several historical locations like an enchanted moon…

RONDO is an object made of blown steel, which thanks to its mirror surface fits the surrounding space. It was designed with elegant and avant-garde interiors in mind, but Oskar Zięta likes to experiment and use objects from his studio in various contexts. This year he has arranged them in the representative chambers of the Royal Palace in Wrocław, among others. The INFLATALES. Oskar Zięta’s steel stories exhibition, opened in October in Cracow, was soon closed as a consequence of another lockdown.

The only piece of the exhibition that remained open to the visitors was the RONDO mirrors fairy-tale installation at the courtyard of the MOS Stage of Juliusz Słowacki Theatre. One night, one of the mirrors went for a night tour through the city of Cracow… Suspended on a crane, it surprised the nightly passers-by and attracted them with its glow, reflecting the historic walls and the “silver roofs of Cracow”.

The enchanted RONDO mirror by Oskar Zięta, for one night, in spite of the pandemic, became Cracow’s “nightly friend”, a steel moon hanging over the city, radiating a magical glow. Hanging in the gate of the Sukiennice, illuminating the Barbican, corresponding to the cathedral… The modern aesthetics of RONDO, a mirror made in the FiDU technology, once again perfectly fit into the context – in Wrocław it reflected baroque furniture, in Cracow – the whole city. Source and photos Courtesy of Zieta Studio.

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